Sunday, December 13, 2009

Final Blog Reflection

I think that the most useful technology that I've learned this semester is Blogger. I definitely plan on using this with my students as a tool to keep them involved. They will be able to post and share and to find assignments in one specific location online. I think this will help them to be more successful in my class. I also really like this technology because parents would be able to see it and understand what is going on in my classroom rather than just guessing. Students will also have a greater audience which will be helpful when teaching writing to my students in the classroom.

In my teaching, I want to use technology continuously. With a blog, I would introduce my students to the concept and require assignments. I also would like to try collaboration with students and creating projects. I would also like to have a class wiki where students can share their work with others. This will help them in the classroom. I think it's important to continuously learn about new technology so I can introduce my students to these tools. They may need to know them in the future and providing them this access will help them to succeed.

In order to engage my students in active learning, I plan on having them experience and practice using these technologies. There is a good chance that my students will need to know about certain technologies in order to succeed when they are working in the future. Pointing this out when teaching will help them to be more engaged. Also showing them models can make them excited. However, I think it's incredibly important to have them create products using the technology so that they are a direct participant in the classroom.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Partipation: Wikis

I really like Wikis. I think they would be extremely useful in the classroom. It provides a place for students to share their work with one another and to receive feedback. I know I have used them frequently in my education and they have helped me. I like the idea of using them to teach different principles as well. Grammar is something that is difficult for students to grasp but putting examples on a Wiki can help them to see what other students have been able to find. I would also use a Wiki to share work. It would provide a real audience for students. They would be able to look at other students' work and to see what is required. It would also be possible to keep past student examples so that current students can see what other students have done, but they wouldn't be looking at their classmates work. It provides a greater incentive to do good work when it is published in this setting, which would be great for revision and editing lessons.

Revising Personal Technology project

I went through and made the suggested changes to my project. If you click on the links from the other post it will take you to the new project.


Monday, November 30, 2009

Partipation- November 30

They have a new form of technology and a new way of bringing technology into the classroom in the Davis School District. I found out about it this weekend. Usually, students are unable to bring laptops or computers into the classroom because they are a distraction, but many students now have Netbooks. These are smaller, but give students the same ability to spend time with technology in the classroom. In the computer lab, there were many technical difficulties and a student had a Netbook. Her group was able to be successful because of this technology. I'm not sure I'd want Netbooks in my classroom on a consistent basis, but I do think they would be beneficial to have in order to allow students to have more access to technology in the classroom.

Personal Technology Project

This is the link to my lesson plan in Google Docs. Lesson plan
I also created two different artifacts. The first is the example that a student could create for the peer review portion of the assignment. The second is an example of two students collaborating on a presentation. They outlined the basic ideas that they were going to focus on.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Partipipation: WritingFix

I was looking on the class blog and saw that someone found a resource called WritingFix. I decided to look at it because it seemed to be applicable to my content area. I loved the site- I think it will be enormously beneficial when I start teaching. It not only defines different things and gives lesson plans, but it also gives resources that teachers can go to in order to find additional information. This website provides methods to become a stronger teacher in the classroom. It also provides opportunities to connect with other teachers and hear their ideas, through this form of technology.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Participation- Zoho

I just spent time looking at the Zoho website. This provides opportunities for collaboration for students. It's a really interesting website- there are lots of different technologies you can incorporate into the class with this. I think in my actual class I would be interested in introducing this to my students. I'm not sure I would have them use the program for everything, but it would definitely be beneficial for them to at least be introduced to all of the options.